Good Morning

Good Morning Gorgeous


Did I tell you that you were the most beautiful…

Wait, I said that already,

Did I tell you that you were the only one….

Wait, said that too.


Did I tell you that I…

Boy I keep saying that one,

Did I tell you that you were…

That one’s old hat, too – but it is still true.


Did I tell you…

This is getting tough,

Did I tell you that I would hold you…

Wait, that has to be done in person.


To hell with it –


You are the one,

You are the love of my life,

You are the one I will grow old with,

You are the one I think of constantly

(fortunately I can think about other things simultaneously)

You are wonderful,

You are beautiful,

You are magnificent to me,

You are kind,

You are considerate,

You are loving,

I could not bear to live without you,

When I am not with you I cannot wait to see you again.


I apologize if I repeated myself,

Then again,

If you do not mind hearing it,

I love saying it.


Keep writing the songs that are in your heart.

Peace be with you.



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