Stillness in the Morning

Stillness in the Morning


There’s a stillness in the morning,

scaring the man to death,

a sigh, a cup of coffee,

then an intake of breath.


The songs they sang

keep coming back,

with no sound in the room,

the cool change finally came,

albeit a little too soon.


The painting is not completed yet,

when sensible he knows it is true,

but when he looks upon the walls,

the colors change their hue.


He’ll deal with it as always,

having been through worse before,

but he would like to see the woman

upon opening the door.


The jester gets carried away sometimes

when handling himself,

like trying to hold your pants up

when you haven’t got a belt.


He’ll get a little better

when his intensity is felt,

but, meanwhile….


There’s a stillness in the morning

scaring the man to death,

a sigh, a cup of coffee,

then intake of breath.


Keep writing the songs that are in your heart.

Peace be with you.




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